Saturday, 13 December 2008
White Western Liberal Idioacy
Typical ignorant white western nanny-banger. What this ignorant arsehole hasn't stopped to consider apart from the fact that he is violating South African law, is that the chances of these Zimbabwean "Refugees" finding utopia in South Africa is nil and the chances of them murdering and raping a white family statistically bloody exceptional.
Saturday, 8 March 2008
The Death Sentence

Well I'd like to make a few comments. First off this clown Molefe murdered two people and he is paying the penalty for it. WHY must Arsezania with it's putrid reputation for crime be called on to interfere with a legal system that clearly works in another country because while Botswana carries the death penalty, it's crime rate is nothing like Arsezania's? Obviously the death sentence is a deterrent.
Conveniently, the media and the liberal left wing brigade are conveniently sidestepping that very obvious fact and focusing instead on the "veil of secrecy" that is typically associated with executions being carried out in Botswana and crying about how the poor criminals are only informed in the few hours prior to their execution that their death warrant has been signed, their families can't visit them, they get buried in prison graves yadda yadda yadda.....shame!
In all this crying and yodelling about the human rights of the convicted criminal being violated nobody has the gonads to ever question the violation of the human rights of the victim or any forwarning they had that they were about to be murdered.
It's a whole can of worms that I really couldn't give a rat's ass about. He murdered somebody - hang him - finish en klaar.
The death sentence in Botswana is clearly a deterrent, because as I've said, crime in Botswana is nothing compared to Arsezania so something must be keeping a hedge on it and that can only be the deterrent effect of the death sentence.
Now what about the death sentence being introduced back into Arsezania?
Well, I have to say that the fact that so many people are calling for the death sentence in Arseznia tells me a lot about the state of crime in the nation, but it tells me even more about the mental state of anybody who thinks he is in his right mind to call for the death sentence in Arsezania.
The death sentence can only be effectively enforced in a country that has a thoroughly motivated, fully equipped and resourced, competent police force to properly investigate crime, arrest the actual perpetrators and present them before a proper, competent court for trial. Anybody with half a brain cell would know that this is patently not the case in Arsezania.
The cops are a bunch of illiterate part-time criminal idiots and the entire judiciary with a very few dwindling exceptions, is a mockery of the first order.
Given the recent criminal abuse of their authority by none other than "MacBride's Finest" - that gang of illiterate incompetent savages masquerading as "Metro Police" the potential for the abuse of anything that involves state sanctioned capital punishment is too horrific to even bare contemplation. Furthermore, the legendary shoddiness, corruption, incompetence and just plain criminal character of the state organs of trial, sentence and conviction is already a study in turd world buffoonery with the potential to effect catastrophic miscarriages of justice without flinging a whole lot of unlawfully arrested, innocent civilians who weren't able to levy the prescribed bribes, into the equation.
Can one even begin to imagine the level of abuse of such a system and the threat it poses to whites who are already the official target of an unofficial ANC sponsored genocide?
There is also the question of the sector of the population in Arsezania from which spews forth the majority of capital criminals who should justifiably be on the end of a rope and that is the esteemed society of SBG. With 55 murders being committed in Arsezania every day, if each one of these were to lead to a successful arrest, trial, conviction, sentence and execution of the prepetrator, it implies that initially at least, 55 SBG criminals would have to be hanged per day to bring the murder rate down. What about the other how many hundred rapes that occur daily for which the death sentence for the extreme savagery with which these rapes are committed would be an exemplary deterrent?
A re-introduction of the death penalty in Arsezania would initially and conceivably see the execution of as many as 75-100 SBG murderers and rapists per day and if this were for only a month, never mind the amount of time it would take to deal with the perpetrators of 35-40 000 murders per year alone, can one imagine the outcry from the international black butt-kissing brigade?
If the ANC terrorist regime were to even consider the death sentence in Arsezania, they would first of all be seen to be pandering to whites because as everybody knows, the perpetrators are mostly black and the victims mostly white and second of all they would lose their support base for executing mainly blacks.
It's a no-brainer - the death sentence will never be re-introduced for black criminals in a black run Arsezania.
It does however leave two very sobering conclusions. For one, the death sentence in South Africa was abolished for black criminals so that it could be imposed on innocent, law abiding white civilians in Arsezania.
Secondly and lastly, if the murder, rape and general capital crime rate in a country is so endemic that to address it by means of the death penalty would resemble the mass killings of a revolution, then such a country is in a state of anarchy with revolution in any event only the next step away.
And that folks is the bottom line.
Monday, 4 June 2007
I’ve just finished reading a “Review” of “The Great Betrayal” by Ian Smith on the Amazon website. It is a “review” written by some sanctimonious left wing turd that basically declares the book a load of “Revisionist Tripe”. This anonymous little prick clearly considers himself particularly qualified to pass comment on the leader of a country, it’s history and it’s people that he has absolutely no cooking clue about – you know the type – the doos that was born in the late 60’s to dope-smoking, unemployed left wing, liberal scum benefits parasites and who’s only attempt at rising out of his particular little puddle of human detritus is to convince himself that he can pass intelligent comment on matters that are more perverted, mass-hysteria induced propaganda than actual fact. The type that never lived in
And so this poepol makes a comment to the effect that in his book Ian Smith would have us believe that under the draconian rule of the Rhodesian “Regime” blacks were happy and grateful for their particularly demeaning lot in life and well sold into the notion that the agenda of the Rhodesian Government was in fact one of a fine balance between the progressive realization of blacks who wished to retain their tribal heritage and subsistence level lifestyle and a gradual move towards a fully integrated democratic society representative of Rhodesians of all race groups.
What brainiac does not do in his critical acknowledgement of the essence of the Rhodesian government agenda is give equally erudite comment on an alternative government agenda in the form that has manifested as the current Zimbabwean Government and incidentally, the prevention of which was also part of the long-term Rhodesian Government agenda for the simple reason that it would not serve anybody in the country, either black or white.
Clearly, beyond clichéd and parrot-like rhetorical drivel the literary genius of this twit is incapable of extending beyond unoriginal criticism and even less, of discerning that human history is forged by people of the quality, determination, guts and glory of Ian Smith who commands global respect from friend and foe alike and more amazingly from the very people his regime was supposed to have oppressed.
Of course the absolute incapacity of left-wing wankers for honest objectivity will neither allow them to accept that history also always exposes them for the mockery they are before relegating them to the ranks of the forgotten and insignificant – chaff in the winds of the course of human affairs whom history doesn’t even afford notoriety let alone acclaim for their feverish arse-creeping of Africa’s tin-pot dictators.
Anyway – without dignifying the plonker who penned this shitty little “review” any further I’d like to shift the focus onto left wing liberal scum in general; the shower of excrement that have bayed for the annihilation of white people in Africa for few decades now and try and understand how people this dumb can actually exert any influence over anybody else unless they are just plain dumber.
The only conclusion that I can come up with is that rabid, anti-white left wing sentiment has its roots (pardon the pun) more in the repressed desire for no-strings-attached copulation with black people than it has in a genuine commitment to the realization of black aspirations, which incidentally, in the modern history of African Nation States exposes left-wing apologetics for what it is. I’m not going to unpack that right now, it’s self-explanatory but basically they expose themselves as a collection of wannabe intellectual shit-stirrers who can’t get girlfriends and have this subconscious desire to turn Africa into their own massive harem of black male and female concubines supported by the international donor community because for all it’s rabid, frenzied ranting, ravings, and posturing, the global latrine of left-wing liberals has done nothing for Africa except relieve it of the only governments that could have helped Africa and handed them over to tyrannical, despotic subjugation with which the names Bokassa, Amin, Kaunda, Mugabe, et al. are synonymous.
What is most despicable about left wing scum is that most of them are white themselves but are prepared to lobby for the brutal slaughter of white men women and children in Africa on the basis of unqualified convictions that white people have no place in Africa but that when Africa collapses under black “rule” blacks have every right to claim refugee statues and asylum in an assortment of white western nations that have denied asylum to white people wanting to escape the selfsame black tyranny. This is just another evil and odious hallmark of left-wing African liberation struggle sycophants – double standards and moral cowardice.
There is nothing more despicable, there can be no greater depth of moral decomposition, cowardice, avarice, greed and brazen deceit than the stance on
The only conclusion that can be drawn from the support of international left wing apologists for the African “Liberation Struggles” is that they are fully aligned with and fully support the atrocities that were effected during and after the implementation of the so-called liberation Governments; that they called for, facilitated and by their silence fully condone the rape of babies and the genocide of whites in South Africa, the dehumanization of blacks in Zimbabwe and the entire debacle that is post “Liberation” Southern Africa under “Black Majority Rule”
And that by any honest appraisal places them and their tyrannical black African tin-pot tyrant benefactors squarely at the bottom of the shit heap that is the worst of the worst of the scum of humanity.
So, to the arsehole that wrote the aforementioned “review” and to your cowardly peers, hold your heads up high because every atrocity that is committed in Africa by dictatorships that have been installed by you treasonous scum defines your gutless, spineless existence and hopefully carves in stone a record for which you will ultimately be held accountable as accomplices and benefactors of Africa’s butchers.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
As the decolonization of
The common denominator in the prelude to “Liberation” has always been the strident wailing, yodeling and yowling within the international community and particularly by “Exiles” within those international communities bemoaning the “Oppression of the people” and without exception, the clarion call for the “Liberation” of Africa has had one theme – the “Liberation” of African states from the “Oppressive Regimes” of their colonial masters.
Typically the “Colonial Masters” have been white and have been branded as all sorts of villains and agents of human rights abuse standing accused of the “Brutalization” of black people in Africa with the all too common verdict being that the presence of any white man in Africa is or has only been for the nefarious purposes of murdering, plundering, pillaging and raping the black people of the continent.
This in turn has given rise to the retribution programmes against whites implemented by Robert Mugabe in
However, as history unfolds, it becomes more and more apparent that the Black African Liberation Struggle with the absolutely fanatical and conspiratorial allegiance of the international community both East and West has amounted to nothing more than the manipulation of politically infantile and basically idiotic populations to vote into power through sheer weight of numbers a minute cortege of cunning, despotic “leaders” who then proceed to plunder their countries by way of blatant programmes of self enrichment, self aggrandizement and outright graft, corruption and banana republic maladministration accompanied by the eradication of political, social and economic opponents by any means that usually violates all the principles upon which they claim their so-called “Struggles”
What becomes glaringly apparent within a few short years is that they are incapable of sustainable government and economic maintenance or development, slipping rapidly backward into absolute collapse, poverty and anarchy that has become the hallmark of Africa; incapable of delivering even the most rudimentary levels of human sustainability in any area of their societies.
They then, in what is rapidly becoming a contrived scenario, particularly in the case of
Mugabe has very cleverly duped the international community into supporting his murderous annexure of Zimbabwe with all it’s mass murder, political repression and economic destruction and turned the country into his personal fiefdom all the while chunttering simian abuse at the western nations that put him in power and blatantly making them responsible for the welfare of his voting electorate who cannot be described as anything but too stupid to remove him from power.
All the while he has been benignly indulged by
The implications for
After that, once the goose that lays the golden eggs has been murderously dispatched in SA, the conflict between the predominant tribes in South Africa will explode on a scale that the piss-puny efforts of the UN Peace keeping forces such as we have seen in the rest of Africa will finally declare the UN for what it is, a castrated, useless shambles under the control of idiots like the Zimbabwean “Minister” of Economic development. The demise of the UN is long past its sell-by date and another debacle in
Clearly Black African Democracy as has been suggested in other forums is an oxymoron that begs examination and raises a number of questions. Furthermore, it is has now reached the point where various international press bodies openly deride, mock and ridicule black African “leaders” at the forefront of which is “Mad Bob” – as he has been dubbed – Mugabe of Zimbabwe.
The first question is, what are the driving forces behind civilized western societies in recent history that have seen them side with their communist enemies to band together with almost religious fanaticism to bay for the blood of white people in Africa who by comparison to any African governments have actually been the greatest benefactors of and contributors to the self-realization of black people?
The second question is why is it that in the course of dismantling white rule in Africa to replace it with black tyranny if any white person regardless of status where to even INTIMATE hostility towards blacks the international community would literally be up in arms calling for boycotts, sanctions and on occasion, the slaughter of all whites in Africa. However, when Black Africans like Mugabe stand up in the international Arena and openly declare his black racist hatred of white people accompanied by threats and actual slaughter of whites because they are white, it doesn’t even make the newspapers? Why is it that Black Racism is acceptable but even the minutest hint of white racism is not?
The third question is, given the failure of
The fourth question is, if
The final question is, what are the implications of the re-colonization of
Watch this space………
Saturday, 26 May 2007
The "Heroes" of the "Struggle" responded by shooting through the door and killing the little boys
As South Africans we are often tagged with becoming desensitized to the crime in this country; getting used to the levels of brutality because of their frequency, adjusted to a way of life imprisoned in homes that offer little real security.
But this – the cold-blooded murder of two children in Centurion who were bravely trying to prevent intruders entering their home – their little bodies pushed against a door trying to keep out a grown man, their little hands trying desperately to keep the door handle closed......
How can anybody be desensitized to this kind of thing? Amongst the insanity of this God-forsaken criminal hell-hole every now and again there is a crime like this that stands out and burns itself into your memory, Stompie Sepei, Lee Matthews, the young girl in Margate over Christmas, the young girl murdered by that animal dubbed the “mine dump killer” and now these two little children
Compared to the murdering scum that comprises the majority of the so-called "Struggle Heroes", these two little boys were heroes in the true sense of the word.
In South Africa we have two types of heroes, kids like these and the “Struggle Heroes”
The history of the “Struggle Heroes” shows only that their heroics were confined to engaging passive targets – bombing civilian establishments and churches. Using these and other cowardly hit and run tactics their activities by any definition could only be defined as acts of terror. Yet somehow, the rest of the world and like-minded sycophants have deemed the cumulative outcome of these terror activities a “Liberation Struggle”
I’m a layman, but my understanding of “Liberation” means freedom from or for something. In SA we have been led to believe that the freedom struggle was for the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom to strike, freedom of association, freedom and the right to live blah blah blah…
But when one considers what level of freedom has actually been achieved in South Africa there is not much – same as Zimbabawe; they have the vote, they have the land but they have precious little else. They have no employment, no money, no viable political alternative to ZANU-PF, no food, no housing, no fuel, but they are free.
The only freedom in
What a noble “Liberation Struggle” this was – what noble heroic people these are?
After all where in the world would you find people so brave that they can heroically gun down innocent unarmed children, innocent unarmed senior citizens, rape babies and octogenarians and heroically defy justice on every count?
It seems that the heroes of the new South Africa have defined a new level of heroism – long may their heroism be remembered so that one day when somebody wakes up, the situation in South Africa will be seen for what it is – ANARCHY – and they will be seen for what they really are – COWARDS WHO KILL CHILDREN !
From a purely military point of view, the notorious R 60 Billion South African arms deal begs a number of issues and questions.
The former SADF was morphed into the bizarre SANDF by way of incorporating the legions of rag-tag cannon fodder of the “Liberation Struggle” into what was arguably one of the most formidable armed forces in the world.
An impossible merger of two unlikely entities.....? Absolutely !!
The former South African Defence Force (SADF) bolstered by military specialists of the highest order from the former Rhodesian Security forces, was a military machine that was quite capable of a military takeover of the entire African continent.
The “Liberation Struggle” armies including the detritus of the various African Nationalist forces that were involved in the Rhodesian conflict comprised the glorious victorius “Mkhonto we Sizwe” heroes of “ONE SETTLER ONE BULLET” fame.
So here we have on one hand a seasoned, competent, well blooded army of true soldiers and exceptional military credentials and on the other hand a bunch of ill-disciplined thugs masquerading as "soldiers" and "heroes" thanks to their efforts of murdering unarmed civilians and famous only more for their excellent tactical withdrawal skills (hat off, pack off, and fack off…) in the face of any kind of resistance: and the idea is to integrate the two and create a new “super” SANDF (South African National Defence force).
Well we have all seen what the outcome of that was. The once mighty SADF was by a process of attrition targeting whites involving early retirement, Affirmative Action etc etc. miraculously transformed into a laughable "Blacks Only" (and by their own admission) mostly overweight, unfit, HIV-ridden, ill-disciplined rabble dressed in camouflage and idly occupying a variety of military bases around the country while awaiting the ANC election promised utopia in the form of a monthly gratuity.
Of course this shower had to be adequately armed and for some reason, after having been amply provided for in terms of military hardware (For free) by the Russians, North Koreans and Chinese for the duration of their noble “Struggle” during the 60’s – 90’s the erudite ANC government, now with billions of honorary white tax payers money went on a mammoth spending spree in non-communist western countries in order to acquire an arsenal that the former SADF would have given sensitive bits of their anatomy to have a decade or two earlier but were in fact denied due to sanctions etc.
We now have this experiment in buffoonery (Has anybody seen these oke’s do drill) masquerading as an army being equipped with some of the most advanced military technology on the planet.
Now for the questions:
- Who is going to operate these new and hitherto unencountered (in SANDF circles) sophisticated weapons and weapons systems, planes, boats and submarines?.
- If the suitably qualified manpower does not currently exist and it certainly didn’t at the time the arms deal was concluded, where are they to be found, who is going to train them and at what further cost to who?
1. There is not a single country on the entire African Continent that could launch a military offensive on even the most miniscule scale that justifies the ANC Governments expenditure of R 60 Billion on weapons of war to equip an "Army" that couldn't properly plan pissing in their own pants.
2. There is not a single country outside of the African continent that the SANDF could defend itself against even with R 60 Billion worth of military hardware.
So the last question is - what war is the SANDF being equipped for and against whom - white people???
Any honest appraisal of
The concept and application of democracy is based upon and embraces human qualities and values that are alien to the black African psychology and sociology. Without going into a thesis on democracy – we are all familiar with its origin, workings and application – the fact of the matter remains that democracy in the African context could never work.
How does one apply the principle of Government of the People, by the People for the People if "The People" are divided, culturally, ethnically, linguistically, historically and in every other way thinkable not to mention economically and materially.
However, in South Africa, the ANC Government has sought to simplify the complexities of our society by dividing the nation into black and white, have’s and have nots, first world and third world etc. etc. in order to terminally polarize this country’s population along racial lines to justify perpetuating a propoganda programme of anti-white extremism that throughout its reign in SA has called time and again, for the annihilation of whites.
What has in fact happened is that the small number of whites that Governed and managed an economically, viable sustainable country in which the needs, if not the unreasonable expectations of the black majority were at least met incidently have been booted out and replaced by an even smaller minority of Black Fat-Cats that are now pillaging the country through ineptitude and primarily impovershing the black majority.
Somebody pleased tell me again just how bad Apartheid was.
An illustration of this can be seen in just one social sector in
The ANC however, that purports to be a government of the people, with the interests of the people at heart have patently neglected public healthcare in South Africa rendering once proud, fully functional healthcare institutions like Baragwanath, Leratong, Natalspruit, etc. nothing more than medical cesspits that without the involvement of (white) private business and charity drives would cease to exist.
The same applies to education, housing, social security – the list is endless.
The failure of the ANC government raises a number of questions, the first one being, in the context of a democracy can black African nations actually govern themselves? As they fail one after another and descend into unbelievable levels of collapse, how much of a liability do these nations present to the rest of the international community? With the racial polarization of
Apart from that, place in
It’s time that we began an international campaign for the asylum of SA whites in countries where they can positively contribute their skills, resourcefulness and work ethic. At least that way, when the ANC leadership does it’s begging bowl routine – which it will continue to do as the economy collapses – the international community can continue to prop up the South African Banana Republic from their revenue coffers into which South Africans expatriats have contributed handsomely instead of leaving them to certain slaughter in South Africa.
There are two curious concepts here – South African contributions to the international communities’ “African Bottomless Money Pit Fund” (ie.Mugabe’s Libyan Bank Account) will reduce the burden of the populations of such countries somewhat; and somebody can do a human social study on the peculiarity of black African governments to chase white people, their skills, expertise and resources to countries that they then go and beg it all back from again.
Such is the outright cowardly hypocricy of the spinless, nutless international community that when Blacks were under Apartheid it was immoral despite the fact that they had jobs, healthcare, education and law and order.
However, when a tiny white minority is subjugated by draconian and overt Black Racism manifesting in the daily slaughter of whites in a publicly acknowledged agenda of "Redressing past imbalances" the internationl community is silent?
Even more mind boggling is that the blacks are worse off now than they ever were under Apartheid and still the testicle-less international community says nothing.
Zimbabwe??? - Let's not even go there, so in all honestly the final question is how much stock can one place in the credibility, honesty and objectivity of world leaders who condemned Apartheid - the only workable solution in SA at the time- but say NOTHING about what's going on in Africa right now?
How can Apartheid be so widely condemned that the international community was prepared to put entire white populations in Africa to the sword in an effort to crawl up the shit encrusted rectums of the likes of Robert Mugabe, Kenneth Kaunda, and various other "Black Hitlers" but nothing is said about these Racist Black African Despots and dictators who murder their Black populations by the hundreds of thousands?