Saturday, 26 May 2007


Last year in the annals of the heroics of the perpetrators of violent crime in SA, there was a report of two little boys who attempted to keep armed burglars out of their home by pressing themsleves against a door and holding up the handle.

The "Heroes" of the "Struggle" responded by shooting through the door and killing the little boys

As South Africans we are often tagged with becoming desensitized to the crime in this country; getting used to the levels of brutality because of their frequency, adjusted to a way of life imprisoned in homes that offer little real security.

But this – the cold-blooded murder of two children in Centurion who were bravely trying to prevent intruders entering their home – their little bodies pushed against a door trying to keep out a grown man, their little hands trying desperately to keep the door handle closed......

How can anybody be desensitized to this kind of thing? Amongst the insanity of this God-forsaken criminal hell-hole every now and again there is a crime like this that stands out and burns itself into your memory, Stompie Sepei, Lee Matthews, the young girl in Margate over Christmas, the young girl murdered by that animal dubbed the “mine dump killer” and now these two little children

Compared to the murdering scum that comprises the majority of the so-called "Struggle Heroes", these two little boys were heroes in the true sense of the word.

In South Africa we have two types of heroes, kids like these and the “Struggle Heroes”

The history of the “Struggle Heroes” shows only that their heroics were confined to engaging passive targets – bombing civilian establishments and churches. Using these and other cowardly hit and run tactics their activities by any definition could only be defined as acts of terror. Yet somehow, the rest of the world and like-minded sycophants have deemed the cumulative outcome of these terror activities a “Liberation Struggle”

I’m a layman, but my understanding of “Liberation” means freedom from or for something. In SA we have been led to believe that the freedom struggle was for the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom to strike, freedom of association, freedom and the right to live blah blah blah…

But when one considers what level of freedom has actually been achieved in South Africa there is not much – same as Zimbabawe; they have the vote, they have the land but they have precious little else. They have no employment, no money, no viable political alternative to ZANU-PF, no food, no housing, no fuel, but they are free.

The only freedom in South Africa is the freedom of criminals to run amok and do as they please with absolute impunity.

What a noble “Liberation Struggle” this was – what noble heroic people these are?

After all where in the world would you find people so brave that they can heroically gun down innocent unarmed children, innocent unarmed senior citizens, rape babies and octogenarians and heroically defy justice on every count?

It seems that the heroes of the new South Africa have defined a new level of heroism – long may their heroism be remembered so that one day when somebody wakes up, the situation in South Africa will be seen for what it is – ANARCHY – and they will be seen for what they really are – COWARDS WHO KILL CHILDREN !


The insane logic behind the ongoing “Arms Deal” saga that has exposed a variety of high profile "Creative Entrepreneurs" has gone largely unexamined because focus has shifted to the participants in what has just got to be the most mind boggling example of African excesses in recent history that seems also to have escaped the hawk-like observations of Western World’s finest intelligentsia.

From a purely military point of view, the notorious R 60 Billion South African arms deal begs a number of issues and questions.

The former SADF was morphed into the bizarre SANDF by way of incorporating the legions of rag-tag cannon fodder of the “Liberation Struggle” into what was arguably one of the most formidable armed forces in the world.

An impossible merger of two unlikely entities.....? Absolutely !!

The former South African Defence Force (SADF) bolstered by military specialists of the highest order from the former Rhodesian Security forces, was a military machine that was quite capable of a military takeover of the entire African continent.

The “Liberation Struggle” armies including the detritus of the various African Nationalist forces that were involved in the Rhodesian conflict comprised the glorious victorius “Mkhonto we Sizwe” heroes of “ONE SETTLER ONE BULLET” fame.

So here we have on one hand a seasoned, competent, well blooded army of true soldiers and exceptional military credentials and on the other hand a bunch of ill-disciplined thugs masquerading as "soldiers" and "heroes" thanks to their efforts of murdering unarmed civilians and famous only more for their excellent tactical withdrawal skills (hat off, pack off, and fack off…) in the face of any kind of resistance: and the idea is to integrate the two and create a new “super” SANDF (South African National Defence force).

Well we have all seen what the outcome of that was. The once mighty SADF was by a process of attrition targeting whites involving early retirement, Affirmative Action etc etc. miraculously transformed into a laughable "Blacks Only" (and by their own admission) mostly overweight, unfit, HIV-ridden, ill-disciplined rabble dressed in camouflage and idly occupying a variety of military bases around the country while awaiting the ANC election promised utopia in the form of a monthly gratuity.

Of course this shower had to be adequately armed and for some reason, after having been amply provided for in terms of military hardware (For free) by the Russians, North Koreans and Chinese for the duration of their noble “Struggle” during the 60’s – 90’s the erudite ANC government, now with billions of honorary white tax payers money went on a mammoth spending spree in non-communist western countries in order to acquire an arsenal that the former SADF would have given sensitive bits of their anatomy to have a decade or two earlier but were in fact denied due to sanctions etc.

We now have this experiment in buffoonery (Has anybody seen these oke’s do drill) masquerading as an army being equipped with some of the most advanced military technology on the planet.

Now for the questions:

  1. Who is going to operate these new and hitherto unencountered (in SANDF circles) sophisticated weapons and weapons systems, planes, boats and submarines?.
  1. If the suitably qualified manpower does not currently exist and it certainly didn’t at the time the arms deal was concluded, where are they to be found, who is going to train them and at what further cost to who?
The Facts:

1. There is not a single country on the entire African Continent that could launch a military offensive on even the most miniscule scale that justifies the ANC Governments expenditure of R 60 Billion on weapons of war to equip an "Army" that couldn't properly plan pissing in their own pants.

2. There is not a single country outside of the African continent that the SANDF could defend itself against even with R 60 Billion worth of military hardware.

So the last question is - what war is the SANDF being equipped for and against whom - white people???


Any honest appraisal of South Africa after Apartheid would be an excellent exercise in unpacking the range, depth and complexities of a multi-cultured, multi-national country like South Africa after Apartheid. To accommodate the socio-political expectations of this nation equitably is going to require not only a process but a form of Government that currently does not exist.

Democracy is an unequivocal failure in Africa, the various black African mindsets, cultures and social characteristics do not make provision for sophisticated democracy, a form of Government that has evolved over centuries as societies within which the concept of democracy was applied; evolved in a parallel manner.

The concept and application of democracy is based upon and embraces human qualities and values that are alien to the black African psychology and sociology. Without going into a thesis on democracy – we are all familiar with its origin, workings and application – the fact of the matter remains that democracy in the African context could never work.

How does one apply the principle of Government of the People, by the People for the People if "The People" are divided, culturally, ethnically, linguistically, historically and in every other way thinkable not to mention economically and materially.

One would think that in order to successfully implement a democratic system of government in any country, the emphasis would be on engendering unity by way of mutual respect, and a unified approach to resolving social issues like healthcare, education, housing, social security etc. etc.

However, in South Africa, the ANC Government has sought to simplify the complexities of our society by dividing the nation into black and white, have’s and have nots, first world and third world etc. etc. in order to terminally polarize this country’s population along racial lines to justify perpetuating a propoganda programme of anti-white extremism that throughout its reign in SA has called time and again, for the annihilation of whites.

Instead of spending billions of Rands on social upliftment they have squandered billions of Rands on a personal enrichment process that has seen fewer, infinitely richer individuals lord it over a larger population that is infinitely more impoverished and disadvantaged than it ever was under Apartheid.

What has in fact happened is that the small number of whites that Governed and managed an economically, viable sustainable country in which the needs, if not the unreasonable expectations of the black majority were at least met incidently have been booted out and replaced by an even smaller minority of Black Fat-Cats that are now pillaging the country through ineptitude and primarily impovershing the black majority.

Somebody pleased tell me again just how bad Apartheid was.

An illustration of this can be seen in just one social sector in South Africa and that is healthcare. The Apartheid system, for a system that was designed to oppress and annihilate blacks, surprisingly supplied this race of people that it was bent on destroying some of the finest healthcare facilities in the Southern Hemisphere. Hospitals like Baragwanath that were efficiently functioning institutions specifically for the black population of Soweto.

The ANC however, that purports to be a government of the people, with the interests of the people at heart have patently neglected public healthcare in South Africa rendering once proud, fully functional healthcare institutions like Baragwanath, Leratong, Natalspruit, etc. nothing more than medical cesspits that without the involvement of (white) private business and charity drives would cease to exist.

The same applies to education, housing, social security – the list is endless.

The failure of the ANC government raises a number of questions, the first one being, in the context of a democracy can black African nations actually govern themselves? As they fail one after another and descend into unbelievable levels of collapse, how much of a liability do these nations present to the rest of the international community? With the racial polarization of South Africa by probably the worst racists in history, the ANC, that has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of whites in SA as we see absolutely evidenced in the news and various credible websites, the question arises – What place is there in South Africa for Whites?

If the ANC agenda and track record to date is anything to go by, the answer is clearly that there is no place in a black ANC governed South Africa for white people other than to provide a lucrative tax base, to be scapegoats for the ANC’s failure ro deliver on election promises and ironically at the same time thereby to provide the ANC with a guarantee of future support from an electorate that fully believes that ANC failures can be terminally ascribed to the subversive presence and activities of white people in the country.

Apart from that, place in South Africa for white people to live, work, build, invest, and retire in safety does not exist. The presence of whites in South Africa with their contribution to the ANC’s coffers is only delaying the inevitable collapse of this country into Banana Republicdom as they get slaughtered daily in the most gruesome manner. If Whites were to pull out of South Africa totally in the next fortnight, this country would become another Zimbabwe with rocketing inflation and a useless currency by the end of the year. Why delay this process in order to perpetuate the gross human rights violations that is now the status quo in South Africa.

It’s time that we began an international campaign for the asylum of SA whites in countries where they can positively contribute their skills, resourcefulness and work ethic. At least that way, when the ANC leadership does it’s begging bowl routine – which it will continue to do as the economy collapses – the international community can continue to prop up the South African Banana Republic from their revenue coffers into which South Africans expatriats have contributed handsomely instead of leaving them to certain slaughter in South Africa.

There are two curious concepts here – South African contributions to the international communities’ “African Bottomless Money Pit Fund” (ie.Mugabe’s Libyan Bank Account) will reduce the burden of the populations of such countries somewhat; and somebody can do a human social study on the peculiarity of black African governments to chase white people, their skills, expertise and resources to countries that they then go and beg it all back from again.

Bottom Line – as evidenced by the ANC support of the piecemeal genocide of White People in South Africa as well as other black racists mechanisms such as "Afrirmative Action" - there is clearly no place for White People in South Africa.

Such is the outright cowardly hypocricy of the spinless, nutless international community that when Blacks were under Apartheid it was immoral despite the fact that they had jobs, healthcare, education and law and order.

However, when a tiny white minority is subjugated by draconian and overt Black Racism manifesting in the daily slaughter of whites in a publicly acknowledged agenda of "Redressing past imbalances" the internationl community is silent?

Even more mind boggling is that the blacks are worse off now than they ever were under Apartheid and still the testicle-less international community says nothing.

Zimbabwe??? - Let's not even go there, so in all honestly the final question is how much stock can one place in the credibility, honesty and objectivity of world leaders who condemned Apartheid - the only workable solution in SA at the time- but say NOTHING about what's going on in Africa right now?

How can Apartheid be so widely condemned that the international community was prepared to put entire white populations in Africa to the sword in an effort to crawl up the shit encrusted rectums of the likes of Robert Mugabe, Kenneth Kaunda, and various other "Black Hitlers" but nothing is said about these Racist Black African Despots and dictators who murder their Black populations by the hundreds of thousands?

They're as cowardly as their black african "Struggle" cowards........


The history of the Black African Liberation Struggle against colonial powers has always involved a guerilla strategy of attacking “soft targets” such as isolated farmsteads, bombing civilian public places and churches, politicizing the rural population by way of terrorizing them and branding non-compliants as sell-outs and traitors before brutally executing them in full view of their families and friends.

The tools to used to effect such “Struggles” have in every instance prolifically featured the use of the ubiquitous AK 47. This is a weapon of war – it is an assault rifle, the only purpose of which is to be used in warfare for the killing of human beings. It is not a gardening tool or a spanner (wrench) it is a weapon of war – period.

Direct confrontation with the security forces of the day was to be ruled out as much as possible as this invariably resulted in the annihilation of the entire “Liberation” unit. As such the “Liberation Struggle” was marvelously efficient in every aspect of its operation when it came to slaughtering and coercing unarmed civilians and a spectacular failure when encountering armed trained security forces that could fight back with devastating ferocity.

In SA the “Liberation Struggle” was declared successful with the advent of 1994 and the installation of the ANC Government and was deemed to have ceased in order to commence with “Nation Building” of the Rainbow Nation.

However, it is apparent that the “Liberation Struggle” continued with the removal of White Farmers in Zimbabwe resulting immediately in Zimbabwe becoming a basket case and millions of refugees flooding over the border into South Africa in search of a better life due to South Africa’s apparently better economy.

As Zimbabwe collapsed, the plunder, pillage, murder, and human rights violations of Robert Mugabe were benignly regarded from South Africa by Thabo Mbeki who explained away his stance as one of “Quiet Diplomacy”

Bit of an enigma this “Quiet Diplomacy” concept unless of course one thinks about parallel developments in SA and Zimbabwe where whites are concerned and of course without even considering the history of Mbeki and Mugabe that goes back to the 60’s

This is a quiet diplomacy that has seen armed militia from Zimbabwe, armed with the traditional liberation struggle weapon – the AK 47 flood into South Africa to effect cash in transit heists and armed robberies of civilians in restaurants, banks, supermarkets and in their businesses, farms and homes. Last year it saw a full scale fire-fight between armed criminals (Guerillas?) and an SAPS unit in a suburban house in Johannesburg.

In effect “Liberation” militia units armed with weapons of war from another country in conjunction with local militia are waging a full scale urban war against unarmed white civilians in South Africa. The ANC Government officially passes this off as crime which they say they “Are trying very hard to curb” – as evidenced by the allocation of the (white taxpayers’) money to Government officials’ excesses, luxuries, foreign trips and weapons of war by the tens of billions in comparison the allocation of virtually nothing to the police services and the judiciary to curb crime.

Foreign militia in South Africa, specifically from Mozambique and Zimbabwe are not traceable in SA, they have no paper trail, no ID documents, no fingerprints, absolute anonymity, freedom of movement and equipped for protracted guerilla warfare in the Black African tradition against unarmed white civilians who in SA are ALL traceable by finger prints if they have ID books, bar-coded SARS documentation, ID books, Vehicle Registrations, driver’s licenses, P.O. Box addresses, IP addresses – you name it.

Very easy for the Government to absolve itself of being able to detain untraceable “Agents” from other countries who are involved in the slaughter of a traceable unarmed, static, dispossessed ethnic group like South African whites.

In the meantime, racial hatred against whites in SA is being overtly stoked at every opportunity by ANC mouthpieces like the press and national television. At every “youth” rally called to “celebrate” some “Liberation” event or the other black youths are actively being called on to perpetrate violent crime against whites. Whenever Mbeki or any other high profile black political or economic figure presents himself in front of a public address system, disparities are drawn between the “White have’s and Black Have not’s” to further incite black on white racial hatred while the government neatly side steps issues like it’s own multi-billion Rand corruption levels, fraud, outright theft and personal excess like multi-million Rand Presidential jets, luxury homes and cars and unbelievable salaries for non-delivery of even the most basic services.

This is clearly an angle on violent crime in SA that is being overlooked and now needs to be placed under a microscope by the international community, brought to the attention of the International Human Rights Commission and the ANC Government brought up to the plate to give explanations for as well as plausible account of what they are doing about the genocide of whites in SA.


The biggest issue that has and is currently facing post Apartheid South Africa is that of violent crime on a scale that assails the civilized mind with a ferocity that defies description. One of the most frequently asked questions at the moment is why the violence in SA? Why do these criminal swine have to resort to extreme and prolonged violence in the perpetration of what is usually a petty crime like the theft of a cell phone and a few household belongings – nothing of which could ever be worth a human life?

The answers are clear. This is a country that after the release of Nelson Mandela and the build up to “democratic” elections was birthed with electioneering slogans and chants that actively and unequivocally called for the slaughter of white South Africans.

How else is one to understand the meaning of “ONE SETTLER ONE BULLET” and “KILL THE BOER – KILL THE FARMER”?

These chants were the platform upon which was engineered the ANC rise to power in SA and formed part of their campaign to rally support – it was a word-of-mouth undertaking throughout the entire population of South Africa that whites were to be slaughtered after the “Liberation” of South Africa on a piecemeal protracted basis in the exact manner that we see taking place in South Africa at this precise moment.

We do not exactly have the most sophisticated electorate on the planet – which African country does – and the question has to be asked, how would an unsophisticated electorate respond to the continuous brainwashing that white people have robbed them of everything they ever had or could have had and that white people are the cause of all ills that they, their ancestors and their descendants had, have, are, or are ever going to experience?

Well we need only to open the daily newspapers in any city in SA on any given day and read the endless litany of violent crime being perpetrated in SA to arrive at the no-brainer that violent crime is the end product of ongoing propaganda by the ANC Govt. telling black people to exact revenge on white people for Apartheid (Read, ANC Govt. failure to deliver on election promises.) Indoctrinating the population in SA in this manner has been the most infantile accomplishment of the ANC Govt. with the most brutal outcome. The rest of the world, absolutely incapable of fathoming the rudimentary workings of the indigenous African mind are at a loss and white South Africans at as much of a loss as to understanding why the violence.

However, after some thoughtful consideration, further answers become easily apparent. We are dealing with a race that for the entire history of its existence has not developed or evolved in the same way as most of the world’s other races have. They have no written history prior to this being recorded by white people a few hundred years ago and this fact in itself challenges the exclusivity that South African blacks claim to this country at the exclusion of everybody else, particularly whites.We are dealing with a race that is infinitely fragmented into tribal and ethnic divisions, sub divisions, languages, dialects and others defining separatist mechanisms that makes defining them as simply as “Black People” outrageously simplistic and myopic if any effort is to be made to understand the absolute inability of these people to contribute anything constructive or positive to humanity.We are dealing with a race of people that for whatever history is apparent of their existence have shown us that they have lived in as close proximity to their other splinter tribes and ethnic kin as geography, hostilities and speed of travel provided for.

There was no economic activity other than that if one tribe or group required anything that they could not grow or make, they simply went over the plains to a neighboring tribe, wiped them out, usually very cruelly; took their belongings and livestock and burned down their dwellings before disappearing.


It is this same culture of entitlement and absolute lack of any economic evolution by indigenous black Africans that still manifests today as violent crime in modern societies all over the planet. It is a congenital peculiarity of blacks that no amount of integration into western societies will eradicate. It may refine their congenital predisposition to violent crime a little to give the illusion of similar levels of sophistication as western societies, but will never eradicate it. This is amply evidenced by people like Mugabe who wears a suit, is by Western standards eminently civilized and educated with SEVEN university degrees – look what he did to Zimbabwe for all his western style sophistication and education – exactly what his ancestors have done throughout their history. By way of a deeply ingrained culture of entitlement, he has plundered, murdered and pillaged to acquire what he wanted because he simply knows no other way despite his westernization. Mugabe incidentally, has refined the culture of entitlement to such a degree and with such cunning that he has actually made a mockery of Western Governments and their leaders.

That is all these people know and this is all they will ever do. It is the reason that they were colonized in the first place and the reason they will be colonized again. Black Africa will be colonized again and this time, having been exposed as a murderous liability no matter where they put down their roots, their new colonizers are not going to be the benevolent kindly BOERS that they are killing daily. This time their colonizers will be a race of people that can currently put 200 million armed soldiers into the field at any time and THEIR approach to violent crime is simple – a bullet to the back of the head and the bill therefore to the criminals kin.

In the meantime white South Africans are being slaughtered like pigs in an orgy of retribution by way of permanent penance for Apartheid – a system that was implemented precisely to preserve white people from the attentions of these savages that we see today – but has been twisted by the international bleeding hearts society to be perceived as a diabolical mechanism for persecuting blacks. Opponents of apartheid by way of their voluble opposition, sanctions etc, etc. have shown that what they understood of Apartheid was that white South Africans could only function if some perverse desire to see blacks squirming, dying and being humiliated on a daily basis was assuaged sufficiently for them to be able to build the South Africa that the ANC inherited, took credit for and then proceeded to destroy.

Never has the thought been given by these bleeding hearts to the possibility that the implementation of Apartheid was an act of survival by white South Africans to isolate them from the attentions of blacks that we see currently in a form and on a scale that by any definition can only be labeled a Genocide of whites in SA. A genocide that has been cunningly planned all along by the ANC and equally as cunningly executed. A genocide that is being justified by apartheid and the victims thereof dismissed as acceptable losses for redressing “Past Injustices”. A genocide that is explained away as crime. A genocide that the ANC government fully approves of, fully encourages, fully supports and fully endorses by its absolute refusal to do anything about violent crime against whites in South Africa. It is a genocide the agenda of which is clearly apparent to any thinking person without the odd loose cannon black giving it away at a “youth rally” at which the call was made to black youths to “Go and steal from whites because they stole from us…”

This is the kind of indoctrination that generations of black youths have been subjected to to such an extent that they see little merit in applying any personal effort or endeavour into acquiring anything that their “leaders” are telling the they can simply take from white people and if it involves killing the white pig all the better – remember “KILL THE BOER KILL THE FARMER”

They don’t have to go to “Youth Rallies” to be told this, it’s all they hear all the time because it is an ongoing part of the indoctrination strategy that the ANC has inherited from the communists and implemented with absolute results.

What the idiots haven’t figured out yet is what they are going to do when all the whites have been slaughtered or driven out of South Africa and every last possession of white people has been plundered and destroyed. The answer is equally as clear – they turn on themselves and before long the beautiful country that whites built is reduced to rubble and is just another African civil war zone – until the neo-colonizers move in.

In the meantime law abiding, unarmed, productive white South Africans are slaughtered without the immediate realization that for every white life gratuitously snuffed out hundreds of blacks will ultimately end up starving and dying in the years to follow.

And when things in the “Liberated” country get unbearable because the economy has collapsed the “Free” blacks invade the very countries from where their “Oppressors” originated and go and perpetuate their culture of entitlement there.

So to all those bleeding hearts countries gleefully clapping their hands and laughing “Serves you right for Apartheid” (isolating yourself from black on white hate crimes); take note of who the perpetrators are in your cozy countries of unrest, riots, civil disobedience, murder, rape and robbery. I’ll put my money on it that it’s usually a black African…..

If the ANC Govt. is suddenly “Waking up to the Seriousness of crime” as recent reports suggest and Mbeki has called upon an international Spin company to address South Africa’s rapidly deteriorating image, there may be a few other things he can do.

1. He can stand up and explain exactly what the ANC’s agenda is for White South Africans and explain why White South Africans are being clearly targeted for violent crime as per early 1990’s ANC electioneering slogans if these slogans are in fact NOT still being indoctrinated into the general black population of SA

2. If it is the intention of the ANC to specifically target white South Africans as yet another means of making whites pay permanent penance for Apartheid, why does he not rather pursue an agenda of negotiating with countries abroad to accept white South Africans as refugees and asylum seekers rather than murder them out of South Africa.

3. Why has the ANC Government dispossessed and disarmed White South Africans while at the same time acquiring 60 Billion Rands worth of weapons of war – for a war with who – white people?

4. Why is the ANC Government re-equipping the black population with bigger taxis knowing full well that these will soon be rendered unroadworthy like their predecessors if the purpose of these taxis is NOT to bus hundreds of thousands of blacks into South African cities at a given moment to wipe out whites in an “UHURU” genocide when Mandela dies as is common knowledge amongst the black population.

5. Are not the current brutal murders of whites the actions of blacks impatient to commence an UHURU and just whetting their appetites for this event?

Come on Mbeki – what is you real agenda for whites in SA or is it just that the ANC government has no control over it’s followers?